segunda-feira, 24 de agosto de 2015

We never know what the teams and the some players are going to do. Only the organization and some small groups know what they are going to do and what will be done.

ok, it´s playing clean. It only change when there´s something to be done to their own profits.
There´s always something, it´s clear. It´s a sucker thing.

That´s the situation everywhere. People have a lot of things in front of them and against them.
It´s not easy, it´s hard. There are a lot of battles, a lot of fights and even the winds ways aren´t always aside people. Sometimes, the most of the time, the winds are against.

Wings in / on the wind´s ways...

It´s at the historial of that time. but it wasn´t py, it didn´t went into my acc. Even if it´s at the historial
Until yesterday 16 pm, there isn´t any historial of it. It wasn´t py at this time too.
After 16pm, acc received a py, but once again, There isn´t any historial of it since the time of the occurrence.
So, there were made some py, because there were many py to be made but this two didn´t. It´s not at my history and also my acc didn´t recieve any py from it.
Wrongly py...

I don´t care to much about the fine. I loose something but my gain it´s much more.

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