segunda-feira, 3 de agosto de 2015

The phonne is ringing and i can´t hear half the words that people say.

The sound is low and the voice it´s far.

Awaiting to rise funds to upload on the website. It will take some time.

And please, just send the good news messages to my email box and don´t ring at my phone.

I´m a better writer than a speaker. To speak, I´ll need some time to get to a fluent and a normal conversation between two people.

Barbra Gloria is ringing at my phone


She misses me!
Do i believe´ I might!

Not perfect but correct.

Starting to work together will be a good thing. She´s lovely and kind. She´s and she´s.
She´s Italian and she have the taste for pasta.
Tell me, the word pepperoni, is it a vegetable´
- A little bit like that. It´s like to listening a classic music and watching the sunset aside the window in a summer afternoon.

My favourite days. Those ones with pepperoni. Those ones with you.

ING in a million.

I understood that you have been working for your own People.
If i´m out of touch with you and if i may not have to much knowledge and information about your rock music bands, it will be more difficult for me to know who will win the MTV ROCK MUSIC AWARDS.
Bono is in care because he lost his voice last night at the Murphy´s Bar.
Everything is Murphy. Murphy´s Bar, Murphy´s Flower, Murphy´s Girls, Murphy´s laws, Murphy´s robocop.

The green field

Sputnik Ru
The first satellite in space.

Not everything went well as i expected and there were some mistakes made.

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