sexta-feira, 9 de novembro de 2018

Y tu, lluvia, que caminabas a mi lado, sin decir una palabra que no habla-se que la verdad.

Temporal, viento, frio, lluvia, luces, peregrinos, caminantes, sonidos, cantantes. Fuegos


I GOOGLE to find some alpinists pictures and i found this ones. It a kind of "representation" of what i saw and lived at the Cathedral that night. Different clothing, different walls, time and place. It´s climbing. This are my alpinists, that i chose to post in this message, representing the Galicians that were there that night
You can see the "alpinists" climbing the Santiago de Compostela Cathedral walls in the new years eve night. The alpinists, fires and other animation. That year that i went into Galicia, it was very windy and rainning a lot. There wasn´t many people there. So, after midnight, i went into the village center where thousands of people were. Walking and drinking in the streets, at the bars and discos.

Nuno Gonçalo Da Rosa


Street people


La tuya verdad, verdad, no es verdad ni real.

Los americanos que ponen la pata, la mala y la malapata, los puercos y los burros en todas las historias y en las vidas y memorias de las personas.
El pájaro es la nube negra de nuestra tierra. La corrupción, la tensión social, la droga, los químicos, la coca, la prostitución, los crímenes. La noticia, la publicita, los artistas, los animales, los puercos, los burros, todo un trabajo t cu, de intereses, personales, de nombre, de imagen y económicos de una organización terrorista.

 Once again, don´t put the animals assholes in places and in stories where they do not belong.

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