domingo, 30 de abril de 2017

Time violation

4-5 30-15 
1 point penalization
40-15 for Mlade
"Llayers have to play by the letter of the law."

6-5 Mlade

Laura service

15-0 30-0 40-0
Is this liebe love?
No. 40-15. 40-30 First service  6-6
Tie break
 1-0 Mlade First service Laura 2-0 Mlade 2-1 3-1 First service 4-1 4-2 Laura First service Laura 4-3 4-4 Laura service 5-4 Mlade 5-5 5-6 First service MLADE

Nein. La Resistence.

7-5 Laura Siegement

Das ist spiel Suttgart
Allez les BLAUS


"I think it´s a very cool story
2 Germans at the same week
Everyone can leave this place peacefuly
Beautiful red carp"
My hope to see you next time
Kristina Mladenovic
Haus Stuttgart
Laura Siegement




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