quinta-feira, 6 de outubro de 2016


 Valencia - Real Madrid
Who´s going to play the match´
Valencia and Real Madrid players.
Who can rule the roll and the final score of the match´
Valencia and Real Madrid players.
By historial and statistics, Real Madrid is the best team.
Real is more stronger economicaly than Valencia. So, have more capability to have the best players. However, Valencia have a good team as well and have be fighting for the spanish title. It gona be a hard game for Real Madrid to win. It will not be easy.
Two points missed here and there. Valencia attack. Two points missed. Final score´ More or less dirty points. Sorry, 30 points
Bet odds
Valencia 2.20 Real Madrid 1.62
Will Valencia´s bet odd win´
Sportingly, Real Madrid odd will win, but, in the world that people is living in, money talk higher than anything else.
So, what will the players do´
Real Madrid supports will bet for Real Madrid to win. Iff Real Madrid loose the match, many will loose their bet, their money. However, not everyone will loose his bet. It will depend how the players will stand for the match. Will they play to win the match and win less money, or will they play to loose the match to win more money´
Who will win the first set´ The second and the third´ Who will win the match. Its cold and it´s rainning. The sun is shining on the the bets ticketline.

Andy Murrey GBR 1.21 João Sousa POR 2.99
Who will win the match´
João Sousa, Andy has retiered. Tonight at the same place and hour. Free entrance, free drinks for everyone. Striptease show with fresh and beautiful models inclued.

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